“On September 4, 2024, the Chairman of International Training Institute (ITI), Mr. Senthil Kumaran Sentheyval and the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Michael Barobe of Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG), has signed the Memorandum of Agreement in SILAG Campus at Waigani. Both institutions’ staff members were present to witness the signing event. Following the ceremony, the Chairman of ITI announced that International Training Institute has signed up for the SILAG E-Libary service. According to Mr. Kumaran, ITI faculty and students have access to a very helpful library. He added that ITI is happy to have access to SILAG’s E-library and that their combined efforts would support the growth of the country’s human resources.

He also said that having an electronic library is a useful tool that lecturers and students may use to access the subscribed digital library to involve and participate in the research works. Mr. Kumaran said that since the books are so expensive these days, the students won’t have to worry as much about buying books because the e-library would save their money. Also, he mentioned that ITI has seven libraries spread across all of its campuses and more than 9000 volumes. Mr. Kumaran added that the International Training Institute intends to buy 3,000 books this year for the institute’s library”.